Sales Development

Creates value for sales professionals by offering 10 to 15 sales-related events annually, mostly luncheons and workshops for members and guests that help them deal with the challenges of running a sales organization in Japan.

We offer three types of events:

  1. workshops providing highly practical information and training that participants can use immediately to improve their sales performance,

  2. speaker events, featuring leading professionals in the  eld from Japan and abroad, and

  3. networking events that give members a chance to make new contacts and develop valuable relationships in an informal setting.

Many of our activities are co-sponsored with other ACCJ committees and on occasion with other chambers of commerce.

This committee is function-based rather than industry-focused, so our members represent an extraordinarily broad range of companies -- large and small, international and Japanese.

All businesses sell something so this committee has something for everyone.​

Sales Development Leadership


Eric Wedemeyer

Kjell Yadon

Mao Kawakami​