ACCJ Task Force on Economic security Meets with Minister Takaichi

ACCJ President Om Prakash and several leaders of the ACCJ Task Force on Economic Security were honored to meet with Minister in Charge of Economic Security Sanae Takaichi on April 19 to discuss the development of a new security clearance system to promote Japan-U.S. economic security.

The ACCJ believes that the introduction of a new security clearance system has the potential to significantly contribute to enhancing Japan-U.S. economic security, including by enabling enhanced collaboration between firms and researchers from the United States, Japan, and like-minded partners on joint research, development, and production efforts.

We are grateful to Minister Takaichi for her efforts to strengthen Japan's economic security and for this opportunity to discuss the ACCJ's position on this critical policy. We look forward to continuing this dialogue and engaging with the Government of Japan to promote Japan-U.S. economic security and further strengthen our bilateral partnership. 

For details on the ACCJ Principles for Promotion of Economic Security, please visit:


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